Sunday, December 6, 2009

More thoughts on Geography and History

So, what does the planet look like? I'd say that it would be around 40% water, and so water conservation might be a problem. The village that the MC should be birthed into—or at least, stay for most of her life—should have a drought or similar problem.
Now, before I get into that, I should consider her—I'm planning the MC (Main Character) to be a girl—place of birth, and geological positions of the most important landmarks on the continent.
And I also need to start plotting down some history. Lots of history. (Lot's? Lots?) Ancient cities that had different names, small towns of relative insignificance, and former rulers that may or may not have been tyrants. Make sure to add depth—a story behind the name, multiple or single references to said person, maybe some long-lost relic that was somehow related to someone found somewhere?
Maybe I should draw the planet. I'll look at Planet-drawing tutorials for GIMP. :)