Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Geography in Written Form

I'll just write it. Off to the west is a mountain range called the Devils Mount for several red, bear-like creatures that are under the influence of the Fell. Off to the west farther, hidden deep in the crags of the mountain range, is a giant pit where the bent and twisted being that is the Fell himself reigns, along with a few devoted servants. To the east is grasslands and forests that eventually lead to the city of Arun (meaning Sun), the capital of the forces of Aether. This city used to be a white, sprawling metropolis that contained a lot of advanced technology, but after the Last Battle, the city was overrun and taken captive, and most of the people starved to death. The technology has been destroyed or discarded and is now mostly useless, and the city has been unofficially renamed to Chand (Moon, representing its fallen state from Sun to Moon, since the Moon only has the light that is reflected from the sun).
Farther from Chand is the Glistening Ocean, which seems endless. Most explorations out to the ocean to see if there's anything beyond it have not returned, with one exception: The crew of the vessel Explorer came back insane, with their eyes gouged out and their tongues gone and a weird symbol carved into their foreheads; three triangles within another three in a circle pattern. The crew was put to death as a form of mercy, ending their lives and sending them to the mercy of Aether in the Heavens.