Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nickolas' quiz!

What’s your full name, including embarrassing middle names? Nicholas. I don't have a last name... yet. Smiles evilly
What do you think of it? Nicholas is the coolest name. It's way better than whatever name yours is.
What do you wish your name was? Nikkolas would be even more cool.
“Shut up Rox.”
Got any nicknames? Nick and Nike.
No seriously, even if they’re hurtful or embarrassing, got any? Well Oram calls me Nikkerbokkers. Not sure why though.
How old are you? 14.
Ever lied about it? By the rocks, YEAH!
How old do you look to others? Well I'm kinda short, so most people think they can pick on me. Until I prove them wrong.
Wish you were older or younger, or are you happy? Older. Then I could work in the smithy.
Are you human? No, I'm a tree.
If yes, is that optional? Is what optional?
If no, what race are you? I'm a tree.
What do people normally think of your race? We have nutty humor.
Are they correct? Yeah.
What’s your hometown called? Carnell.
Do you still live there? Yes.
Do you/did you like it or hate it? I love this place! The never-ending winter and the usual infection of lice is always refreshing.
What’s it’s best feature/place? Snowball fights are never-ending.
What’s it’s worst feature/place? I don't know, MAYBE THAT IT NEVER STOPS SNOWING!?
Where do you live now? Under the bed.
If it’s not the same place, Is it better or worse? It's kinda dark under here.
How many different places have you lived? Well I tried living in the cupboard for a while... but Mother didn't like that much.
How many different countries have you visited? Does the front lawn count?
What’s your favorite country? Front Lawn-ing-dom.
Tell me your best holiday/traveling experience? I traveled out from under the bed once. Then I met a camel. He tried to eat me so I went back under the bed.
Tell me your worst? My worst what?
Be honest, are you prejudice to one race of people or people from one country? Uh. Well the people in Front Lawn-ing-dom are kinda frosty... and crispy.
If so, why? Because.
Which countries people have been the most welcoming to you? The people of Under The Bed.
Have you ever ran away from home? Nope.
Did you live with your parents when you were little? I'm still little, and yes.
If not, who?
Ever been homeless? That'd be awesome if I was!!
What’s your starsign/birthsign? I have a starsign? Is that like a ship that goes into the sky?
Zodiac? Lodiac?
Do you even know what that is? Apparently not.
What day were you born on? I was born on the third month, second week first day.
What does your culture say about people born on that day? Not much.
Remember any nursery rhymes you were sung? No.
Any fable’s you were told as a small child? Well there was this one about a tree...
Would you tell them to any kids you have? Yeah!
Are you a boy or a girl? Girl. I'm totally a Girl.
“Are not.”
“Oh fine I'm a guy.”
Are you happy about that? Yeah, beats being a girl.
Does it effect you daily, bad or good? Not really.
Are you feminine in any way? I like my hair... does that count?
Masculine in any way? I am manly!
What do you think of the other gender? They're cute. Usually.
What’s your sexual orientation? I like girls.
Sure about that? Yeah...
Who was your first crush? I had one on Roxana.
“I knew it.”
Did anything happen with them? Well she didn't return the feelings... right?”
“I'm not answering that.”
What was your first date like, or haven’t you had it? What's a date?
Who was it with, if you did?
Still know that person?
How many people have you officially dated?
Are you married? No.
If so, are you happily married?
Are you divorced?
Ever stood anybody up? Uh.
Ever been abusive to someone you’re meant to love? I... uh...
Ever been abused by someone you’re meant to love?
Ever even been in love?
Are you in love right now? I am so not answering that.
What color is your hair? Black. Manly Black.
Did you dye it or is it natural? Naturally my hair is blond.
And your eyes? Brown.
Do you wear glasses, contacts or neither? I don't wear anything but my clothes. And my face, but some people wish I didn't wear that.
“You have a cute-”
“I.. uh.”
“What were you going to say though?”

What’s your best feature? My humor.
Worst? I'm annoying.
What body type are you? Lightly muscled.
How tall are you? 5'5
How much do you weigh? 110
Got freckles? Yeah
Ever blush? No
Most embarrassing habit? Sometimes I pick my nose...
A habit you quite enjoy? I like poking people.
Do you worry about how you look? Not really.
Do you spent a lot of money on looking good? No.
Do you spend any? No.
What clothes do you like to wear? Just my tunic. It's the only thing I have to wear.
Do you clothes suit your gender/status/job? Yes.
What’s your favorite color? Green.
What does it make you think of? Roxana. She's a kind, gentle person, like Grass. And leaves. I think.
What color do you hate? Pink. It's so... ugly!
Why? It's ugly. It reminds me of mud.
What does yellow make you think of? The sun, when it used to shine.
Red? Raspberries!
Green? Roxana.
Blue? Water
Black? Mud
White? Clouds and Snow!
Do you work out/train? Yeah. My Father teaches me and Rox some fighting with quarterstaffs. I want a full staff someday, but when I asked Father for one he just gave me a weird look.
Do you enjoy any form of sports, training or exercise? I just said that!
Is there a certain place, like a gym, where you do it? Yeah, there's a little sparring room below my house.
Who’s your instructor? My Father.
Do you like them? Yeah!
Ever been called names for how you look? Nope.
What about how you act? Sometimes.
Who’s your best friend? Roxana.
Did you have trouble deciding on one person? Nope.
How long have you known them? Most of my life.
Would you, honestly, die for them? Yes.
Name three other good friends? Uh, my Father, Luke and Roxana.
Do all these people like each other? Yeah
Does your best friend like the person your dating, if your dating anyone? Uh.
Pick one, best friend or lover? Best friend.
Who’s your rival? Oram
Who’s your enemy? Oram
What do you think the difference is? Not sure.
What do your friends think of you? Awesome.
Do you think they’re correct? Yeah.
Do you act different around strangers? Sometimes. Depends on if they're ugly or not.
Around friends? No
Around family? Nope
What part of your personality would you like to change, if any? I like myself just the way I am.
What part are you most proud of? My awesomeness.
Are you two faced? Only with you.
Are you lying to these questions? Maybe.
What’s the best lie you ever told, if any? Well this one day I told everyone I was a cornstalk....
What’s your mother called? Uh. Mother?
Father called? Father.
What’s your mother’s job? Cleaner. She cleans the house.
Father’s job? Smithy.
Do you have a step-mother or step-father? Nope.
Do you know where both your parents are? Yeah.
Any close relatives of yours dead? Nope.
How did that make you feel, if they are?
Got any siblings, how many? None.
Are they older or younger?
Do you live with them?
Do you know where they are?
Brothers or sisters, which is better?
Is your family famous? Nope.
Famous in the area? No.
Do you have any family traditions, no matter how silly or important? When Father comes home we all have a group hug...
Do you think you ‘fit’ with your family? Of course.
What do you think of them? They're awesome!
Do you have children? Uh no.
If so, what are they called?
What would you want to call your children? Matthew, David and Wallet.
“Did you say Wallet?”
“Are you serious?”
“I didn't think so.”
Do you think you’ll ever have them? I hope so.
How would you look after/discipline them? I don't know.
What’s your house like, if you have one? It's quiet, but nice.
Are you happy with it? Yeah
Does it belong to you or someone else? My Father built it, along with Luke's help.
Who paid for it? Father did.
How is it decorated? Uh.
Do you have a garden? No.
What’s it like? Quiet, four rooms, one room with a bathtub.
Do you prefer outdoors or indoors? Outdoors!
Do you have a job? Nope.
What is your job, if you have one?
If not, how do you survive? Father works, that's enough for us.
Did you want to be this when you were little? Yeah.
Are you happy in your job? I would be if I had it.
Do you want to do something else? Nope.
Would you do anything involving no clothes for A LOT of money? No clothes? Running down the street naked? Uh.
Would you do anything involving murder for A LOT of money? No.
Do you have a boss? No.
Who are they?
What do you think of them?
In charge of anyone? No.
How does that make you feel? Uh.
Do you still go to school/college/somewhere to learn? Sometimes I visit Roxana when she's learning with Luke.
Do you enjoy it? Most of the time. Sometimes it's boring.
What are your hopes for when you finish? Not sure.
What’s your favorite subject/field? Being a Blacksmith.
Who’s your favorite teacher? Dad is my Teacher.
Worst teacher? Roxana. She can't explain anything.
“I heard that.”
Ever cheated on any type of test? How? Nope.
Are you popular there? Uh.
What do you think of the most popular person, if it’s not you? Oram's a knot.
Ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Roxana swears that she remembers me trying to kiss her. I sure don't remember that.
“You did.”
“Doubtful. You're beautiful, but I wouldn't kiss you.”
Ever been to jail innocently? No.
Ever been to jail when guilty? Nay.
Do you have a lawyer? Uh.
Ever needed an allay? A what?
How would you view someone who tells you they went to jail for murder? Depends on what they're like afterwards. If they sincerely regret it, then I'd be okay with it.
Ever been kidnapped or held hostage? No.
If so, how did you feel?
Ever been close to dying? Mother made me stay inside on a warm day. It was torture.
What saved you, if so? Roxana came inside instead of playing outside with all of the other kids.
What’s your favorite food? PIE!
Can you cook it/make it yourself? Yeah. I can make Pumpkin and Cherry pie.
Is it common? Yeah, but I make the best. Even the Village Council says so.
Are you a vegetarian? No.
Do you have a special diet? I eat as much as I can. That's usually enough.
An eating disorder? No.
What foods can you not eat? I can eat whatever I want.
Would you eat it if your life depended on it? If that was the case I might eat spinach.
What sort of social events do you attend? Not very many.
Do you have too attend them or do you want too? I want to.
Would you be happy at the theatre? Probably not.
A classical concert? No
A rock concert? No
A rich relative’s banquet? If the food was good
A wedding? Sure
A cheap party in a town hall? Uh. No.
A kids birthday party? Sure!
Do you believe in the paranormal? Not really.
In magic? Yeah.
Do you have a secret power? No.
Are you more of a science person? Uh, no.
Ever seen a ghost? Yeah.
If so, what did it look like? It looked like what Roxana described her Father to look like.
Do you know what lucid dreaming is? Uh. No.
Do you have pleasant dreams? Generally.
Do you remember or note down dreams? No.
What’s the worst nightmare you ever had? Roxana kissed me. It was horrible.
“I love you too Rox.”
Ever ran to your parents bed when you were little because you thought something was in your room? Little? I still do that!
What was your first kiss like? I haven't had that.
Have you had it yet? No.
Have you lost your virginity? No...
Did you enjoy it? What?
Was it to the right person? I... wow.
Was it out of wedlock, or before you were supposed too? ...
Ever got an STD? What is that, dare I ask?
Ever visited a prostitute? A what? Is that a church?
Ever had someone crush on you that you didn’t like? Nope.
If so, how did you deal with it?
Got a fetish that’s a bit out-of-the-ordinary? Uhm....
What sexual thing would you never, ever do? WHAT!?
Which celebrity/famous figure, if any, would you ‘do’? I'm totally lost and grossed out.
Do you know how to read and/or write? Finally, some good stuff! I like to write, but not to read. Odd, right?
How many books, if any, have you read? Not very many. Rox has to shove them under my nose to make me read it.
What was your favorite? I don't have one.
Were any of them crappy? What does 'crappy' mean?
Do you doodle? Uh. Yeah...
Do you play any musical instruments? Nope.
If so, which one(s)?
What’s your favourite song? There isn't a lot of music around here.
Are you in a band? No.
Were you ever in a band? I wish.
Do you enjoy telling stories? Yeah!
Do you base them off real life? Always, unless it's too awkward.
Do you know how to drive? Drive a nail?
If so, how many times did it take you to pass the test? What test!?
If you have? If I have what?
Can you pilot a plane/other form of transport? Do horses count? And what's a plane?
Are you in a military force or group? Uh no.
If so, what rank?
What do you think of the military? Which one?
Are you rebelling against an official power? Just the Fell.
If so, why? Because he's Evil.
Do you think you have a chance of winning? We have to win. What other choice is there?
What are your political views? Uh.
Do they match the current government/power? Nope.
Why are you taking this quiz? Roxana made me.
“Did not!”
What do you think so far, bored yet? Slightly.