Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Roxana Quiz

This is 10 pages long in PREPARE FOR A LONG READ!!!

What’s your full name, including embarrassing middle names? Roxana. I haven't earned my last name yet.
What do you think of it? I'm not sure.
What do you wish your name was? I don't know. I like my name.
Got any nicknames? Rox.
No seriously, even if they’re hurtful or embarrassing, got any? Just one, Rox.
How old are you? I've lived for 17 years.
Ever lied about it? No...
How old do you look to others? Kind of young.
Wish you were older or younger, or are you happy? I'm... I'm happy with my age.
Are you human? Uh yes.
If yes, is that optional? Not r-well I guess if the Fell possessed me I'd be less than human.
If no, what race are you? I'm human.
What do people normally think of your race? Sometimes we can be really dumb, but we're a creative, endearing species.
Are they correct? I think so.
What’s your hometown called? It was called Arun.
Do you still live there? No, I live in Carnell.
Do you/did you like it or hate it? I loved it there. It was peaceful.
What’s it’s best feature/place? It was pure. Laughter echoed in the streets and there was almost no trouble.
What’s it’s worst feature/place? It's gone now, replaced by a degraded dreg of a place called Chand.
Where do you live now? Carnell.
If it’s not the same place, Is it better or worse? Worse. There's crime everywhere and the nights are freezing. It snows almost all-year around.
How many different places have you lived? Just those two.
How many different countries have you visited? What? Oh, you mean like another continent? None. We haven't found any others.
What’s your favorite country? The one I live at, before Arun fell.
Tell me your best holiday/travelling experience? I don't travel much.
Tell me your worst? I don't travel.
Be honest, are you prejudice to one race of people or people from one country? No. Everyone is human. Either they are human or they are Fell. There is no gray area.
If so, why? See above.
Which countries people have been the most welcoming to you? I haven't gone traveling...
Have you ever ran away from home? I did once when I first found Cornell. Luke took me in and tried to feed me some green food. I ran away because I didn't like it.
Did you live with your parents when you were little? Yeah. My Father, Kyre, was the general, and my Mother died when I was born.
If not, who?
Ever been homeless? Not for very long.
What’s your starsign/birthsign? I honestly don't know.
Zodiac? What is that?
Do you even know what that is? No.
What day were you born on? My Mother's Labor lasted for five days. I was born at the last hour on the last day of the last month of the year at the turn of the millennium.
What does your culture say about people born on that day? The month is considered sacred. I'm, apparently, some sort of “holy person” or something.
Remember any nursery rhymes you were sung? No.
Any fable’s you were told as a small child? Yes. One was about a child that went into the woods. He found a creature of the Fell and somehow befriended it, and turned the creature back to the light. The creature was a bloodwolf, one of the Fell's most prized pets. It turned into what you might consider a dog.
Would you tell them to any kids you have? Yes, if I survive that long. This winter has been the worst so far.
Are you a boy or a girl? I'm a girl.
Are you happy about that? I never really thought about it. I just accepted it.
Does it effect you daily, bad or good? I guess. I'm not sure.
Are you feminine in any way? What, exactly, does that mean!?
Masculine in any way? I don't know!
What do you think of the other gender? Depends on the person.
What’s your sexual orientation? I like boys. Men.
Sure about that? I.. I'm not answering that!
Who was your first crush? My first “crush” was on my best friend, Nicholas.
Did anything happen with them? No, I got over it.
What was your first date like, or haven’t you had it? What's a date?
Who was it with, if you did? I don't know what it is so I can't answer that.
Still know that person? Yes.
How many people have you officially dated? See above.
Are you married? No.
If so, are you happily married? See above.
Are you divorced? No.
Ever stood anybody up? What does that mean...?
Ever been abusive to someone you’re meant to love? No.
Ever been abused by someone you’re meant to love? No.
Ever even been in love? Yes.
Are you in love right now? No.
What color is your hair? Brown.
Did you dye it or is it natural? Natural.
And your eyes? Blue.
Do you wear glasses, contacts or neither? Only Elders wear Glasses.
What’s your best feature? Physically or Emotionally? Physically I guess... I'm not really sure. I don't look at myself a lot. Emotionally I can usually make two people who are arguing see reason and make up.
Worst? I have a temper.
What body type are you? Lightly muscled, but I know how to fight. Nicholas taught me.
How tall are you? I'm 5'8.
How much do you weigh? I have no clue. I think around 120 pounds? Maybe less.
Got freckles? No, but Nicholas does.
Ever blush? Yes.
Most embarrassing habit? Sometimes I itch my nose when we're eating.
A habit you quite enjoy? I like to poke Nicholas when he mispronounces something.
Do you worry about how you look? Not really.
Do you spent a lot of money on looking good? Money is so scarce that we can barely afford to live. Why would I waste it on my natural looks?
Do you spend any? No.
What clothes do you like to wear? Just my simple tunic. A white shirt over my skirt, and sometimes a scarf.
Do you clothes suit your gender/status/job? I guess. It wouldn't be prudent for men to go around wearing skirts right? (WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? SCOTS RULE!)
What’s your favorite color? Blue.
What does it make you think of? The Ocean. I barely remember the Ocean.
What color do you hate? Dark red, almost black.
Why? Because that's the color of the Fell.
What does yellow make you think of? Yellow snow...
Red? Blood and Cherries.
Green? Grass and Hay.
Blue? The Ocean.
Black? Fell.
White? Clouds.
Do you work out/train? Nope.
Do you enjoy any form of sports, training or exercise? I play Hoops. Your goal is to throw a ball through a hoop that the other person throws through the air. Five rounds, whoever wins three wins the game. If both players get two goals, then the last round is the decider. If that's a draw then we keep playing until one person wins.
Is there a certain place, like a gym, where you do it? No. What's a Gym?
Who’s your instructor? Nicholas.
Do you like them? Yes...
Ever been called names for how you look? No.
What about how you act? No.
Who’s your best friend? Nicholas.
Did you have trouble deciding on one person? No, he's the only one that bothered to try and get to know me when I first showed up in Carnell.
How long have you known them? I came here when I was four, so thirteen years.
Would you, honestly, die for them? Yes.
Name three other good friends? I don't have any others. Maybe Luke.
Do all these people like each other? Yes, Luke likes Nicholas.
Does your best friend like the person your dating, if your dating anyone? I still don't know what a date is.
Pick one, best friend or lover? Best Friend.
Who’s your rival? A boy named Oram. He isn't very smart, but he's big and mean, and doesn't care who he hurts.
Who’s your enemy? Oram.
What do you think the difference is? A rivalry is personal. An enemy can be personal or not.
What do your friends think of you? Nicholas thinks that I can be annoying, but I know that it's just a ploy. I think he has deeper feelings for me than what he pretends.
Do you think they’re correct? Yes. I can be really annoying.
Do you act different around strangers? I'm more polite.
Around friends? No.
Around family? Not really.
What part of your personality would you like to change, if any? I need to get a grip on my temper.
What part are you most proud of? I appreciate things. I can love someone without ever meeting them.
Are you two faced? No.. as far as I know I only have one face.
Are you lying to these questions? No. Lying just buries you deeper in your own trap.
What’s the best lie you ever told, if any? I don't lie, but sometimes I don't tell the whole truth.
What’s your mother called? Myra.
Father called? Kyre.
What’s your mother’s job? She was a baker. She made the most delicious bread! Father saved some and let me have a bit on my birthday.
Father’s job? General.
Do you have a step-mother or step-father? No.
Do you know where both your parents are? Both dead. Mother dead at my Birth and Father killed in Battle.
Any close relatives of your dad? Only Luke, who is his Brother.
How did that make you feel, if they are? They are what? I don't understand the question.
Got any siblings, how many? None.
Are they older or younger? None.
Do you live with them? Ugh, none!
Do you know where they are? ...
Brothers or sisters, which is better? ...
Is your family famous? Father is.
Famous in the area? No.
Do you have any family traditions, no matter how silly or important? Not really. Luke makes me take my shoes off when I come in.
Do you think you ‘fit’ with your family? Yes.
What do you think of them? Luke and Nicholas are the best people I know.
Do you have children? No.
If so, what are they called?
What would you want to call your children?
Do you think you’ll ever have them? I hope so.
How would you look after/discipline them? If they disobeyed, then I would have to tell them that they did so. If they disobeyed again, I would punish them, depending on what they did. I probably wouldn't punish them for stealing cookies, but I would if they stole money.
What’s your house like, if you have one? It's just Luke and I at home, and he's usually in a council meeting, so it's quiet.
Are you happy with it? I'm content. I'd rather have more people there, but I can't control the past.
Does it belong to you or someone else? It's Luke's house.
Who paid for it? Luke built it.
How is it decorated? There are four rooms: the Bedrooms, that takes up two, and then there's the eating room and the study room. The study room is my favorite because of the soft rug and the fireplace.
Do you have a garden? No.
What’s it like? Quiet but peaceful.
Do you prefer outdoors or indoors? Outdoors, but I love our house.
Do you have a job? Not yet. I want to bake the best breads ever though.
What is your job, if you have one?
If not, how do you survive? Luke gets enough from the Village Council that we can live better than most. Luke usually gives some of our money to those in need though.
Did you want to be this when you were little? No. When I was little I fantasized about being a soldier, until I saw my Father killed in battle. After that I decided that I wanted to create something instead of take away, so I learned how to bake.
Are you happy in your job? I would be if I actually had it.
Do you want to do something else? No.
Would you do anything involving no clothes for A LOT of money? No.
Would you do anything involving murder for A LOT of money? No!
Do you have a boss? I would.
Who are they? Larissa Ve'Hu is the lead baker.
What do you think of them? She's nice, but strict.
In charge of anyone? No.
How does that make you feel? I'm not sure.
Do you still go to school/college/somewhere to learn? Luke teaches me language and writing, and I read a lot. I guess that could be called an education.
Do you enjoy it? Yes.
What are your hopes for when you finish? I just want to get into the bakery.
What’s your favorite subject/field? Language. I love learning new languages!
Who’s your favorite teacher? Luke.
Worst teacher? Luke, when he's impatient.
Ever cheated on any type of test? How? No.
Are you popular there? Where? In the village? Not really.
What do you think of the most popular person, if it’s not you? Oram... see above.
Ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Yes. Oram accuses me of a lot of things that are not true.
Ever been to jail innocently? No.
Ever been to jail when guilty? No.
Do you have a lawyer? Luke was one once.
Ever needed an allay? A what?
How would you view someone who tells you they went to jail for murder? I... I don't know.
Ever been kidnapped or held hostage? No.
If so, how did you feel?
Ever been close to dying? Once. Luke couldn't get money from the Council for some reason, and we ran out of food. I was sick for over a month.
What saved you, if so? Luke was finally paid by the Council, and he nursed me back to health.
What’s your favorite food? I love corn.
Can you cook it/make it yourself? No, Luke makes it the best.
Is it common? No.
Are you a vegetarian? No.
Do you have a special diet? No.
An eating disorder? Ugh, no!
What foods can you not eat? I can eat anything I want, except for Ale.
Would you eat it if your life depended on it? It depends on it if I don't eat...
What sort of social events do you attend? None. Nicholas and I hang out a lot, but that's it.
Do you have too attend them or do you want too?
Would you be happy at the theatre?
A classical concert?
A rock concert?
A rich relative’s banquet?
A wedding? Yes.
A cheap party in a town hall?
A kids birthday party? I love little kids!
Do you believe in the paranormal? I... yes? I'm not sure. I have seen a ghost...
In magic? Yes.
Do you have a secret power? Luke seems to think so.
Are you more of a science person? No.
Ever seen a ghost? Yes.
If so, what did it look like? It was my Father.
Do you know what lucid dreaming is? No.
Do you have pleasant dreams? I don't dream that much.
Do you remember or note down dreams? No.
What’s the worst nightmare you ever had? Nicholas killed my Father. That was my worst nightmare.
Ever ran to your parents bed when you were little because you thought something was in your room? No.
What was your first kiss like?
Have you had it yet? No.
Have you lost your virginity? My what!? NO!
Did you enjoy it? ...
Was it to the right person? Ugh.
Was it out of wedlock, or before you were supposed too? WHAT!?
Ever got an STD? Huh?
Ever visited a prostitute? What?
Ever had someone crush on you that you didn’t like? No.
If so, how did you deal with it?
Got a fetish that’s a bit out-of-the-ordinary? I-what!? No!
What sexual thing would you never, ever do? Have sex with anyone besides my Husband.
Which celebrity/famous figure, if any, would you ‘do’? I'm not sure what that is.
Do you know how to read and/or write? Yes.
How many books, if any, have you read? Almost all of Luke's books. He has almost a thousand.
What was your favorite? A childrens book called “Remember The Day”, it was about a little bird that lost its wings and couldn't fly. I think.
Were any of them crappy? Yes.
Do you doodle? Sometimes, when there's paper.
Do you play any musical instruments? No.
If so, which one(s)?
What’s your favorite song? I don't have one. Music is rare up in the mountains at any day except feast day.
Are you in a band? No.
Were you ever in a band? No.
Do you enjoy telling stories? Only to little kids. They giggle a lot when I tell stories.
Do you base them off real life? Yes.
Do you know how to drive? No.
If so, how many times did it take you to pass the test? What test?
If you have? If I have what?
Can you pilot a plane/other form of transport? A horse...
Are you in a military force or group? No.
If so, what rank?
What do you think of the military?
Are you rebelling against an official power? Only the Fell.
If so, why?
Do you think you have a chance of winning? I know we do. It'll be hard though.
What are your political views? The Fell is evil, Aether is good.
Do they match the current government/power? No.
Why are you taking this quiz? I need to know Roxana a lot better.
What do you think so far, bored yet? WHY SO FREAKING LONG!?