Saturday, December 12, 2009


Chapter One


Roxana looked down from her plate, not really sure what she was supposed to feel like.

Am I sad? Am I happy? Am I depressed? Who am I? Do I know anymore? And more questions like this floated throughout her head. Her nose wouldn't stop running and her eyes were red because she kept trying to wipe the tears away. She hiccuped as Luke brought some bread and cheese over to the table.

It's okay Roxana.” Luke said, putting his arm on her shoulder. She stared at the table, her face expressionless. Luke sighed, drawing on reserves of patience. Little children frustrated him. Roxana was only around five or six! She shouldn't feel so much so young—or at all, but that was what makes us better. When we face trials and beat them; conquer them.

Roxana?” Luke said gently. She shook herself out of her thoughts and looked at him.

I knew your father—my brother—very well. I can tell you this: mourning is necessary after death—it's part of the love—but Kyre would not want you to mourn for very long. He would want you to accept his death and move on.”

But I don't want to forget him!” Roxana said, fresh tears spilling down her face.

I didn't say forget. I said move on. There is a large difference, Roxana, one that I hope you can acknowledge.”

She nodded and sniffled.

My point is, continue to mourn for a while, but then get back to life. Find something else to occupy your time. Read a book, eat some food, find a friend, but do something else.” Luke counseled. Roxana nodded, knowing that he was trying to help, but not wanting to accept that her father was dead. That thought tore at her heart.

A knock on the door made Luke look up. He got up and walked over, his footsteps almost loud against the wooden floor. He opened the door and found a small boy looking up at him.

Hello Luke! I'm here for my lesson!” he said. Luke rolled his eyes and said, “It's not today Nicholas. Your lesson is tomorrow.”

Nicholas' face fell. “Oh.” he said simply, sounding extremely disappointed. “Well then can I meet the girl that's staying here?”

Luke looked surprised at the boy's knowledge. He didn't think anyone else knew about Roxana.

So there IS a girl here!” Nicholas said loudly. Luke scowled briefly and then pulled Nicholas inside. Roxana wiped her tears away and walked over to Nicholas.

Hi.” she said. Nicholas looked at her and said, “Hi!! How are you? What's your name? How old are you?”

Roxana looked surprised at the boy. Nicholas smile grew wider and he said, “What's wrong am I being too forward or blunt or whatever?” without taking a breath. Roxana shook her head and said, “W-I mean, you just talk... so fast.” Nicholas nodded and asked the same questions in the same order again.

I'm kinda sad, I'm Roxana, and I'm 6.”

Oh okay. I'm Nicholas, I'm feeling kinda weird, and I'm 5.”

Luke watched with mild amusement as the two bonded. In a few minutes they were playing happily. It was almost enough for Luke to wish he had a few children of his own. He walked into his study and picked up the book he was reading and settled down into the chair next to the roaring fire in the hearth.